Does Vertigo impede on your life?
Vertigo is a feeling of dizziness or lack of balance. It is usually caused by an inner ear problem but can have various other causes as well, including BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), Meniere’s disease, or an infection that occurs in the inner ear. How can chiropractic help with vertigo?
Are you having issues with Sciatic Pain?
It can be easy to take for granted just how much we use our legs on a daily basis until they are in pain and that movement becomes harder. The good news is that with the help of Dr. Nikolai, a Raleigh chiropractor, many people with this type of pain are able to find relief and resume their normal activities.
Tired of Living With Jaw Pain?
As joint and musculoskeletal specialists, chiropractors are experienced in easing joint pain, including jaw pain, while simultaneously increasing your level of health. The many benefits of chiropractic care include and even extend beyond alleviating TMJ pain.
Dealing with Sinus Issues?
If you are seeking long-term relief, Raleigh chiropractic Dr. Nikolai Simonsen can ease your sinus pain and alleviate your sinus pressure.