Immunity and Chiropractic Care

Immunity: Why Is It So Important

Immunity plays a crucial role in protecting our bodies from harmful pathogens and microorganisms that can cause infections and diseases. The immune system acts as a defense mechanism, recognizing and fighting off invaders to keep us healthy.

A strong immune system not only helps prevent illness but also assists in the body's healing process when we do get sick. Without a properly functioning immune system, our bodies would be vulnerable to a wide range of infections that could have serious consequences.

Various factors can affect our immunity, including stress, diet, sleep, and overall health. By adopting a healthy lifestyle that supports our immune system and regular chiropractic adjustments, we can enhance our body's ability to fend off illnesses and maintain optimal health.

Understanding the importance of immunity empowers us to make choices that support our overall well-being and vitality. Taking proactive steps to boost our immune system can lead to a healthier and more resilient body, better equipped to handle the challenges that come our way.

The Body’s defense mechanism is a coordinated effort between the nervous, endocrine, and immune system.

What parts of the body control the immune system?

  • Lymph nodes

  • Appendix

  • Bone marrow

  • Tonsils & adenoids

  • Thymus

  • Spleen

  • Peyer’s patch

Cellular parts of the immune system

  • Lymphocytes:

    • These cells are what release antibodies to identify threats, attack threats, or alert other systems to the threat. Maintaining a healthy level of T cells is important to immune system.

      • B Cells

      • Cytotoxic T cells

      • Helper T Cells

  • Natural Killer (NK) Cells:

    • The NK cells are able to discover and attack viruses and certain tumor cells without the aid of antibody markers like typical T cells. NK cells are essential for fighting infection and fighting cancer.

  • TNF-Alpha Cells:

    • Theses cells play an integral role in autoimmune disease. ANK-Alpha cells are primarily used for destroying cells of the body which have become harmful.

Organs of the Immune System

The organs specifically dedicated to the immune system:

  • Spleen

  • Thymus

  • Bone Marrow

  • Lymph nodes

The Chiropractic Effect on immune response

One review of literature surrounding chiropractic and its effect on the immune system cited results showing that chiropractic adjustments may influence antibody levels, T and B lymphocyte numbers, NK cell responses and other levels related to immune function.

Subluxations and trauma

The pressure on the nervous system is known as vertebral subluxation. Alteration of position and or motion of any vertebra can cause subluxation to occur which can lead to distorted nerve activity. This can lead to the subsequent degeneration the immune system tissues.


Dr. Kent et. al. used something called “serum thiols” to measure human health status. Serum thiol levels in the blood indicate DNA repair and healing following damage, which is the primary function of the immune system. A higher level of serum thiols indicated a higher level of overall health and immune function. Three different groups were compared: patients with active disease processes, chiropractic patients’ with no disease who had been under chiropractic care for 8-52 weeks, and a group of patients with no disease who had been under chiropractic care for 1-6 years. The results showed large differences between the three groups as well as overall health status and immune function being increased with the length of time spent under chiropractic care.


Chiropractic adjustments have been found to stimulate the nervous system, helping to improve communication between the brain and the body. This enhanced communication may lead to better function and overall well-being. Chiropractors use precise, controlled force to manipulate the spine and other joints, aiming to restore proper alignment and movement. While results may vary, some individuals report experiencing reduced pain, increased range of motion, and improved flexibility following chiropractic adjustments. In addition to that, chiropractic adjustments can influence the production of all the cells needed to protect your body from outside invaders. The longer you receive regular chiropractic adjustments, the better your body is able to recover and repair DNA at the cellular level.


Lantz CA: “The subluxation complex.” In: Gatterman MI (ed): “Foundations of Chiropractic Subluxation.” Mosby, St. Louis, MOm 1995.


The Chiropractic approach to Fibromyalgia

