Do you know the Benefits of Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a beautiful and miraculous thing, but it can be incredibly difficult on some women, particularly physically. Even if your pregnancy is relatively easy, there are still some discomforts and unexpected feelings for most women, even if you’ve had several kids prior. Each pregnancy is different and the way your body handles it will be different each time, but one thing holds true with each pregnancy for every woman: chiropractic helps. Not only can it reduce pain and discomfort typical of most pregnancies, but it can also improve the health of your baby, prepare you for a faster delivery, and help you recover from birth faster. Dr. Nikolai Simonsen of Adapt Chiropractic in Raleigh is a neurologically-based chiropractor who has seen positive results for many of her pregnant practice members.


The biggest complaints during pregnancy include back pain, nausea, pelvic pain, digestive troubles, and heartburn. Chiropractic improves the health and function of the central nervous system which impacts all the other systems in the body, bringing improvement of pain and discomfort to every single ailment mentioned above.

Back pain and pelvic pain are probably the biggest concerns during pregnancy, mostly due to the change in spinal curvature to account for the growing belly. This can cause back pain that is hard to alleviate with anything other than chiropractic adjustments, as they help balance your entire body and realign your spine, even in the midst of it shifting in curvature. Pelvic pain can present in a number of different ways, but most women complain the most about round ligament pain. This discomfort occurs in the ligaments that support the uterus, which are understandably stretched and more tense due to the extra weight of the growing baby.

Digestive troubles are common during pregnancy because the intestines are essentially fighting for space, and many women will experience extreme constipation during pregnancy, which can add to their general discomfort. Chiropractic is proven as a digestive aid, and because of this, it has also been shown to help with heartburn and nausea. Chiropractic care helps to put everything back in alignment and balance, which alleviates so many of these common pregnancy woes that can leave women feeling frustrated and exhausted.  


Another huge benefit of chiropractic care for pregnant women is the way that it prepares the body for labor and delivery. Not only can chiropractic help babies get into the proper position for birth, but it also helps to widen the pelvis and make space for the transition through the birth canal. This reduces the need for interventions like C-sections, induction, and instrument deliveries, but it can also minimize the time spent in labor and make natural, vaginal births far more achievable.

If you are expecting and want to find relief from common pregnancy pains and prepare yourself for the best labor and delivery possible, contact Adapt Chiropractic, Raleigh chiropractor Dr. Nikolai Simonsen and his team look forward to helping you be as comfortable as possible as you prepare to welcome your new bundle of joy.


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